What is the PTA?
The Parent Teacher Association is a group of parents & carers who work alongside school staff to discuss ways of raising additional money for the school, and to support the school in buying equipment, toys and small gifts for the children (eg at Christmas and Easter).
On behalf of all the children, parents and staff we would like to express our thanks to our amazing PTA for funding the rebuild of our school website and all the other major projects that they help us to fund.
What sort of things do we organise?
- Bags2schools collections
- The 200 club
- 2nd hand uniform sales
- Family camp
- Christmas and Summer Fayres
- ‘Allesley’s Got Talent’, Magic shows, discos and other events

What have we raised money for?
Over the years thePTA have provided the school with many additional things that the school would not otherwise have been able to provide. For example: School library books / Ipads & covers / Easter and Christmas chocolates / A foundation stage playground/ A Year 1 & 2 adventure trail / Repairs to the KS2 fun fitness trail / Christmas costumes / New dining room tables and chairs / Subsidy of the Christmas pantomime / £1,000 per phase for teachers to spend on resources or trips (eg a subsidy of the Y5&6 trip to London to see ‘We Will Rock You’) / new equipment for the Nurture Room.
Can you do anything to help us?
There are lots of ways you can help and support your child through the PTA. Attending PTA Meetings (2 per term) is a good way to meet other PTA members, and to help with planning events and deciding what to spend money on. However, you don’t need to attend meetings. There are lots of jobs that can be done from home, e.g. wrapping gifts, preparing raffle tickets, buying things needed for Fetes etc. You could also offer to help with ‘one-off’ events. Or you could help by letting us know if you have any contacts or skills we could use. We always need extra pairs of hands!!
Contact us at: allesleyprimarypta@gmail.com
Would you like to be part of our PTA?
Fill in our sign-up form and hand it in to the school office
Support from PTA UK
Our PTA is a member of PTA UK, which is a national charity and membership organisation providing support and guidance for all home school associations in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Our association is one of over 13,000 members in current membership of PTA UK. We pay an annual membership fee which gives us lots of member benefits including comprehensive insurance cover for all PTA run events, support and advice on running the PTA plus fundraising ideas and good practice hints and tips.