There are three rules in this homework, but we have visited them before , so really try your hardest. This week, we will recap stresses in words and i before e except after c.
If the stress is in the first syllable, then there is only one consonant. The stress is the part of the word that sounds stronger: this can mean it sounds slightly louder or more pronounced. You have to listen carefully. E.g gardening – the stress is on the gar so there is only one consonant before ing
Forgetting – the stress is on get, so the stress is on the second syllable therefore you need two ts before adding ing.
If the stress is on a fer in the word , you hear the fer as fer and it has two rs: ferr e.g : conferring
If the stress is not on the fer it can sound like ‘fru’ when spoken quickly. E.g buffering
When looking at ie or ei , just check the c . The I before e rule applies when the ie or ei are code for the sound ee. If the word has a sh sound remember it could be ci ( last week’s rule, so species is spelt as so)
If the ei makes an ay sound, the rule does not apply.
The following words are for you to learn this week, but if you find others in dictionaries, then you may have more visual examples, this can only be a good thing for you.