Spellings – ‘ence’ and ‘ance’
These two endings are both used to make nouns from verbs (e.g. performance from perform) or nouns from adjectives (e.g. intelligence from intelligent).
Words ending in ‘ance’
Words ending in ‘ence’
If the word is formed from a verb ending in –ere, then the ending will be spelled –ence. For example: reverence (from revere), adherence (from adhere), or coherence (from cohere).
Note that the word perseverance is an exception to this rule!
If the word has ‘vid’, ‘cid’ and ‘fid’ in it, then the suffix is ence. E.g evidence, coincidence, confidence
If the main part of the word ends in a soft c (pronounced like the c in cell) or a soft g (pronounced like the g in gin), then the ending will be –ence. For example: adolescence or emergence.
Note that the word vengeance is an exception to this rule!
Words to learn
circumstance adolescence
guidance convenience
resemblance recurrence
nuisance coherence
appearance emergence
tolerance insistence