
Curriculum at Allesley Primary

'Working Together for a Brighter Future'

At Allesley we continually strive for challenge and excellence through a creative and inclusive curriculum. Our curriculum includes not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but also aims to ignite a passion for life- long learning.  We ensure that all of our children have a broad, balanced curriculum, which provides continuity and progression in skills and knowledge and values everyone as an individual.  We aim to promote curiosity, enthusiasm and independence by providing learning opportunities which open up the world, taking our children on a journey to discover and challenge their thinking and give them a sense of the community and world to which they belong.

These are the core values of our school, upon which we have based our curriculum:







English Curriculum

At Allesley English threads throughout the school curriculum and consists of:

  • Grammar and Punctuation
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Spelling

We pride ourselves on being a ‘reading school’ and encourage children to read a wide variety of books.  We use a structured, synthetic phonics (Floppy’s Phonics) approach to teaching our children to read.  

Children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage One read from the Oxford Reading Tree scheme which includes fiction, non-fiction and phonics books, as well as our banded book scheme. We supplement the scheme with additional Oxford Reading Tree stories.

Key Stage Two pupils read from a variety of books aimed to attract the reader and encourage reading for pleasure.

Maths Curriculum

Mathematics at Allesley Primary School

At Allesley Primary School, we believe that every child is a mathematician. We want all our children to develop enquiring minds and to use their skills as mathematicians to make sense of the world around them

Our aim is to equip all children with the skills and confidence to solve a range of problems through fluency with numbers and mathematical reasoning. Children are encouraged to see the mathematics that surrounds them every day and enjoy developing vital life skills in this subject.

Science Curriculum

At Allesley Primary School, we have a successful approach to Science which results in a fun and engaging classroom environment, that provides the children with the necessary skills and foundations for understanding the world.

Teachers create a positive attitude to science learning within their classrooms and reinforcing an expectation that all children are capable of achieving high standards in the subject.  Science is taught in planned and discrete units and has many cross curricular links. The children are always encouraged to develop their scientific knowledge and skills through interactive learning, including hands on experimental participation.

Our aim is to equip the children with the confidence and necessary skills to progress further in the subject. We aspire for all children to have:

  • A wider variety of experience linked to scientific skills and understanding, including scientific enquiry and investigative skills
  • A richer vocabulary which will enable them to articulate their understanding of taught concepts
  • High aspirations and an enquiring mind to build their confidence and develop their knowledge further in the subject.

Please use the links below to access more information about our curriculum.

The videos below illustrate the calculation methods used for addition, subtraction, multiplication & division.