Welcome to Year Two
Welcome to our page on the website Year Two children (and your parents). We hope you really enjoy watching our video… which shows the things that are important to us. You’ll also find the spellings here each week, together with other links and resources, which we hope will help you.
Keep checking on here for new updates.
Love from your Year 2 teachers,
Miss Ostick, Mr Kates, Mrs Bissett and Miss Burchell
Transition into Year Two September 2023
For the Parents who missed the parent transition meeting, you can find the information that was shared in the link below.
PE – Year Two have PE on a Tuesday and a Thursday each week. On Thursday PE is outdoors and it would be helpful if children had appropriate clothing.

Year Two Homework:
Maths homework – please log into your Numbots account each week and practise your number facts: https://play.numbots.com/#/account. If you have forgotten your password, please contact your class teacher.
Spellings – to be given out and posted below each Friday, with a spelling test taking place in school the following Friday.
Reading – all children to read a minimum of 3 times per week at home and to get their reading diaries signed by an adult.

Children will be given a weekly set of spellings to practise at home as well as in school.

If your child is at home, but well enough to access some learning, please complete the following tasks:
- Log on to Numbots daily to practise your number facts: https://play.numbots.com/#/account
- Make sure you spend some time each day reading
- Practise your spellings and apply your learning by putting them into your own sentences.