Year Three


Matthew Kates







Welcome to Year Three

Hello to all of the children (and parents) who are now in Year 3.  We are so excited for the year ahead and hope that you are too!

Keep checking on here for new updates – we will post very soon.

Love from your Year 3 teachers.

Mrs Moran, Mrs McKelvie, Miss Knight and Miss Moeller.

Please use the link below for all the information from the year 3 transition meeting.

In year 3, the following homework will be given out weekly:

Maths fluency homework – to be given out each Monday and returned to school by the following Monday.

Spellings – to be given out and posted below each Monday, with a spelling test taking place in school the following Monday.

Reading – all children to read for at least 10-15 minutes a minimum of 3 times per week at home and to get their reading diaries signed by an adult.

Theme – creative or research based tasks to be given on an occasional basis throughout the year.

PE – During the Autumn term, Year 3 will have their swimming session as their PE lesson. Swimming is every Friday. We also have yoga sessions on the first three Thursdays at the start of each half term. The dates for this term are:

September 12th, 19th, 26th 

November 7th , 14th , 21st   

Follow this link to check the yoga dates: Events


If your child is at home, but well enough to access some learning, please complete the following tasks:

  • Log on to Times Tables Rockstars daily to practise your multiplication and division facts:
  • Complete your maths fluency homework task for the week
  • Make sure you spend some time each day reading
  • Practise your spellings and apply your learning by putting them into your own sentences.

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