Welcome to Year One
Hello to all of the Year 1 children (and parents). We have had such an exciting year so far and are excited for what is to come and we hope that you are too!
Keep checking on here for new updates – we will post each week.
Love from your Year 1 teachers
Mrs Smith, Miss Fossey, Miss Geraghty, Miss Jones and Mrs Freeman.
PLease use the link below for all the information from the year 1 transition meeting.
Year One P.E. Days
Year 1 children will need to come to school in their school P.E. kit… days tbc.

In year 1, the following homework will be given out weekly:
Maths fluency homework – to be given out each Friday and kept at home so that the children can go back over them to develop their fluency.
Spellings – to be given out and posted below each Friday, with a spelling test taking place in school the following Thursday.
Reading – all children to read a minimum of 3 times per week at home and to get their reading diaries signed by an adult.
Phonics – please help your child practise their phonics using the sound mats sent home. There are also some useful PowerPoints below demonstrating how to pronounce the sounds we have been learning in Year 1.
Click on the sound buttons within the PowerPoints below to hear the sounds we have been learning in Year 1:
Please find below a useful Phonics Glossary explaining all of the key Phonics terms.

If your child is at home, but well enough to access some learning, please complete the following tasks:
- Log on to Numbots daily to practise your number facts: https://play.numbots.com/#/account
- Make sure you spend some time each day reading
- Practise your spellings and apply your learning by putting them into your own sentences
- Practise writing some sentences using the sounds you have been learning in phonics.

This week in Year 1, we have been looking at time in Maths; we have been finishing off the stories we wrote about Little Red Riding Hood in English, but with some changes; in Science we have been looking for signs of summer.
We have been really lucky to have a visit from the police on Monday, who came to talk to us about what they do and how they keep us safe. We had a great time and are looking forward to moving into Year 2!