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Welcome to Reception

Hello to all of the children (and parents) who are now in Reception.  We are so excited for the year ahead and hope that you are too!

Keep checking on here for new updates – we will post very soon.

Love from your Reception teachers,

Miss Keay, Miss Dunn, Mrs Cash, Mrs Sharp Mrs Burr and Mr Furlong

In Reception, the following homework will be given out weekly:

Reading – it is important for all children in Reception to read with an adult as often as possible. A small amount each day is more effective than one big burst. Please read with your child at least 3 times per week and sign their reading diary each time you hear them read.

Phonics – please see below useful PowerPoints demonstrating how to pronounce the sounds we have taught in Reception so far. Please help your child to practise these at home and to spot them in their reading book.

Helpful Words – these will be sent home each week on your child’s reading day. Please help them to practise these at home regularly and they will also be checked in school weekly.

Physical Development – it really helps us if the children are independent when removing items of clothing including jumpers, coats and shoes, so your support in practising at home is greatly appreciated. Any activity to help strengthen your child’s fine motor skills, such as threading beads; playing with play doh; using pegs and using tweezers to pick things up would really benefit them.

Other ways to support your child’s learning at home – help your child to practise everyday skills such as looking for numbers in the environment; recognising letter sounds in the world around them and counting out objects accurately when cooking and shopping.

The slides from the reception reading & writing workshop can be accessed via the link below.

Click on the sound buttons within the PowerPoints below to hear the sounds we have been learning:

Please find below a useful Phonics Glossary explaining all of the key Phonics terms.



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